Assessment information will be published on this page as it becomes available.
English/LOTE/Geography 2018
Assessment 1 (docx 66 KB)
English 2017
Assessment Task 3 (docx 73 KB) Handed out 15/8/17 Due date 1/9/17
Assessment Task 2 (docx 67 KB) Due Date 17th March 2017
Assessment Task 1 (docx 16 KB) Due Date 9th December 2016 IN Class. This task is for both English and LOTE. Time will be given in class to complete the task, but you are welcome to work on it at home as well. If you have any questions about the task, please do not hesitate in contacting Ms Locke.
LOTE - Indonesian
Assessment Task 2 (docx 66 KB) In-class task 8W will complete Thursday 16th March 8R will complete 17th March.
English 2016
Novel Ass Task 1 (docx 143 KB)
MSND Assessment Task (docx 68 KB)
History 2016
Yr 8 History Ass 1 (docx 15 KB) Due Date 5th February 2016
History Assessment 2 (docx 500 KB)
LOTE 2016
Assessment Task 2 (docx 65 KB) In class. 8M - 14th March; 8R 16th March
Assessment Task 3 (docx 74 KB) Some class time given. Due Date 19th May - 8M and 20th May -8R
History Assessment Task 1 (pdf 129 KB)
Due Date 9th October 2015 Geography Assessment (pdf 110 KB)